Burns Night
365/25 Ode To A Haggis by mccheek
Every 25th January, Scotland celebrates one of its most important events: the birth of its most beloved troubadour also known as the Caledonian Bard. Robert Burns is the vernacular poet par excellence, the writer of the people, and his short life had a major impact on Scottish society. 25th January is Burns Night, a night when Scots, expatriates, foreigners in Scotland and other people around the world pay homage to the poet with the traditional Burns supper.

Charles Rennie Mackintosh
House for an Art Lover by dalbera
No visit to Glasgow would be complete without a bit of Charles Rennie Mackintosh.

Glasgow’s Clockwork Orange
Underground by Sprout appreciation
The Glasgow Subway, which opened in 1896 and was renovated in 1996, consists only of a circular line. The colour scheme of the wagons and the seat upholstery is warm in tone, with orange dominating the scheme. If we put 2 and 2 together, we resolve the question of its most famous nickname: the Clockwork Orange. Beyond that, it has is no further relation to Anthony Burgess’ book or Stanley Kubrick’s film adaptation (apart from, perhaps, around Halloween).