Glasgow as a film scene

Don’t Walk by I like

August of 2011 saw an attempt to transform George Square into the streets of Philadelphia as the film shooting of a new blockbuster – an adaptation of Max Brook’s World War Z – began then. – Next year, presumably, when the film comes out, we’ll see if the attempt was a success.

It is worth mentioning that 2011 was productive for Glasgow in a cinematic sense, as just after World War Z, in September, the city saw Halle Berry on set of another Hollywood film adaptation, David Mitchell’s Cloud Atlas and, in October, Scarlet Johansson was ready to star in the filming of Michel Faber’s creepy novel Under the Skin.

However, it is not just 2011 what allows Glasgow to be proud of, and boast about the hosting of big production films. Let’s mention some of those made in past decades.

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Top 5 pubs (+2) in the City Centre

EB29 by Potatojunkie

Picture the situation, you are in Glasgow, in need of relaxation and a bit of entertainment, what’s the first thing you are gonna do? Right. Hit a pub. But, if you are looking for a nice one and hope to find the information in a guide or a review like this – forget it. You don’t really need it, in fact just follow the crowd in the central streets of the city, it will speak for itself and lead the closest way to the best place. Crowds can be different, young and energetic, older and mature, quiet and relaxed and so on, because Glasgow – the city with a strong drinking culture – can satisfy all tastes.

If you are still here with me, forget that I told you to forget the review and check this one for the top 7 pubs around Glasgow city centre.

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The Pot Still

A wee dram: top 5 whisky bars

The Pot Still by thousandshipz

‘A wee dram!’ is what you need to ask if you want to experience one of Scotland’s most seductive tastes, that of a good single malt whisky. If you want to impress with your Gaelic, just ask for a ‘uisge beatha’ (pronounced ishque bah), literally aqua vitae, or water of life. But this is not a language lesson, far from it; it is about bars and drinking. Although with these tips you can pretty much be understood in any of the many pubs and bars Glasgow has to offer, these are the five best places in which you can use your new words:

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Oran Mor

Part of Alisdair Gray’s mural on the ceiling of Oran Mor by Suzie Wong

I’ve been fortunate enough to live in the West End for almost 10 years and have been very lucky to see one of Scotland’s most stunning multi purpose venues flourish right before my very eyes. I’ve also been privileged to attend a brilliant Burns Supper there, lots of gigs, private parties – I recall host charity events affectionately and I remember the opening night, taking in the wonder of it all and having a really great time with my girlfriends. Colin Beattie, the proprietor is really onto something. He’s a visionary with a veritable team of brilliant individuals working with him.

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